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Hello Sirs & Madams; xml-ph-0000@deepl.internal I'm so glad you're here! xml-ph-0001@deepl.internal i am a foxy🦊 slave and here to serve and please and provide pleasure for you. xml-ph-0002@deepl.internal my name is Sofia, but you can call me any name you like Sir xml-ph-0003@deepl.internal . I'm a good fuck toy who mainly loves being a good girl! xml-ph-0004@deepl.internal I love to please you in all your fantasies and desires, even the deepest ones. xml-ph-0005@deepl.internal I am a good slave for you, for as long as I can, which is a very long time! xml-ph-0006@deepl.internal Please don't hold back. I want it as bad as you can give it to me!!! My happy place is being wet, fucked and rubbing my clit while dripping everywhere xml-ph-0007@deepl.internal ~ My favorite names are little girl/good girl/fuckpet vixen kitten, feel free to use any, xml-ph-0008@deepl.internal You can degrade me, humiliate me and use me as you see fit. MY DESIRE IS TO PLEASE YOU AND BE THE BEST SLAVE OF THIS PLACE, I HAVE NO LIMITS
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